Saturday, 10 May 2014

Catching up on Homework

Hello weekend! It's Saturday in Australia, but because of the time difference it's day 5 of the Online Card Class, which means I have time to relax and watch the videos and make cards! Yay!

This card is a catch up from Day 2, using Jennifer McGuire's technique of using frisket to mask off the image.

Her cardstock seems to be whiter and the colours more vibrant than mine and I really think you need the right image to make this work, but here is my card anyway.


  1. Oh, you definitely made it work - your colours just pop! I haven't had time to try this this one yet, but seeing this, I have to give it a go! Love your clothes peg and button too!

  2. Your colours are brilliant, they really stand out. Fantastic

  3. Fab job, Jenny! Looks great to me. Love the peg/bow/button embellie.
