Monday 27 May 2024

Spring Flowers

 Hey there Friends. Did you see the Pinkfresh Studio Stencilled and Hotfoil Butterfly card I shared for Just us Girls Challenge here ? I used Autumn colours because I've been so inspired by the beauty all around me at the moment! However, in the Northern Hemisphere they are celebrating Spring, so here is a card for all my European and Northern American friends!

I used Karin Markers to colour the images. The Embossing Folder is from a Discount Store.
Stamps & die: Pinkfresh Studio Floral Vase

I'm entering my card in the following challenges:-

  Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog! I love to read your comments:)


  1. That's a beautiful bouquet. So pretty xx

  2. Gorgeous colouring of the bouquet and vase, Jenny! Love the embossing at the bottom. xx

  3. I love the embossing on the bottom of the card, it really sets off the beautifully colored bouquet of flowers. Thanks for joining in the fun at Seize the Birthday Challenge.
